Starting as an accounting assistant in 1978 and later promoted to Administrator & Chief Accountant, Madam Magda Victor has headed the Haitian Bible Society (HBS) since 1999. HBS is Alfalit International’s authorized affiliate organization, and in this capacity, Magda monitors and supervises our programs. In addition, she continues to spearhead the establishment of Alfalit-Haiti as a standalone nonprofit organization. With Magda at the helm, HBS has built new offices, created the Haitian-Creole version of the Bible, distributed food and supplies, and offered holistic support to residents following numerous natural disasters, including in the aftermath of a tragic earthquake in 2010.
Magda has a bachelor’s degree in Economic Science from the State University of Haiti and multiple training certificates in governance, leadership, management, and accounting. As a testament to her professionalism, knowledge, and reputation, Magda received an honorary doctorate in management from Union des Universites Privees d’Haiti [“Union of Private Universities of Haiti”] in Port-au-Prince. Active in the community, Magda serves as a board member in the School Federation of the Protestant Schools of Haiti and treasurer for the board of directors of the International Fellowship of Students.