
Alfalit brings literacy, a fundamental right of every human being, to Argentina.
See where alfalit works

Rene Escalera

Executive Director​

​Zona Taquiña Avenida Centenario y Calle Santa Rosa Frente a la fábrica FABE Cochabamba, Bolivia

Total Students enrolled in Bolivia - 2022

Total Students in
Latin - America

Our literacy programs are the essential tool for your day to day

I thank God for bringing Alfalit’s literacy programs to my community. I started learning how to read and write.

Amalia Churata Catorceno
23 years old, Entre Rios, Cochabamba, Bolivia

One day, while at the market, I met an Alfalit teacher visiting the community. The teacher told me about the new literacy classes starting right here in the community for anyone that wanted to enroll. So, I registered immediately, and at that moment, the teacher encouraged me and told me that I would learn very quickly. …I’ve learned how to write my name, and I’m learning basic math. I am no longer afraid to talk to people. I feel confident and happy, and no one can ever humiliate me again. I want to continue studying and learning everything I can so I can one day go to college”.

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