Ari Joel De Brito Gomes

In 2017, Ari Gomes joined Alfalit Portugal as the affiliate’s executive director. With Ari at the helm, Alfalit was recognized by the City Council of Almeirim for bringing excellent literacy services to the community. As a result, the organization was featured in the Jornal O Almeirinense, a regional newspaper.

Pastor João Martins of Casa da Cidade [“The Town House”], where the Gomes family attends church, introduced Ari to Alfalit. When the executive director position became vacant, Ari was asked to fill the role. Although well-employed at the time, he was drawn to our mission and faith-based approach. He knew it would be challenging but ultimately empower many. Ari notes that as he watches people struggle to fulfill such common, everyday tasks as shopping, writing checks, receiving accurate change, and so on, he thanks God for his role and regularly renews his vow to serve those who cannot read or write. The Alfalit International team appreciates Ari’s loving attitude and servant-leadership style and knows that he sets a positive example for all around him.

Ari graduated with distinction from Monte Esperança Instituto Bíblico [“Mount Hope Biblical Institute”] of the Convention of the Assemblies of God (Lourdes) that focuses on Biblical, Pentecostal, Christocentric, and Evangelical perspectives. In addition, he completed instructor pedagogical skills and parent effectiveness training and received a Certificado de Competências Pedagógicas [“Certificate of Pedagogical Competencies”]. He is also an alumnus of Madorna Secondary School (Vila da Parede, Cascais).

Before coming to Alfalit Portugal, Ari was a water purification system technician and pastor of the Christian Community Church. He was also previously employed by Carnes Baltazar, a meat sales and distribution.

business that recognized him company-wide as a valuable employee. At a meeting of partner agencies, Porto Food Bank credited Ari’s volunteer work and thanked him for his initiative and dependability, ensuring food was delivered to families who would otherwise go hungry.

Married to Cláudia Mira Gomes and father to André, Inês, and Rafael, Ari speaks Portuguese and English.